Geoffrey Drew Marketing, Inc.
Better Marketing, Advertising and Sales Solutions


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Geoffrey Drew Marketing, Inc.


Memorable Marketing that Works

Straight Answers

Geoffrey Drew Marketing, Inc. provides basic services to its contracted clients to help in bringing their message and their products to the buying public.  Geoffrey Drew Marketing, Inc. offers an opportunity for companies at all levels of development to get "straight" answers to their Advertising, Marketing and Sales questions, to locate assistance in producing effective Advertising, Marketing and Sales programs, and to bring their programs to the public in the most cost-effective and efficient manner.  

Geoffrey Drew Marketing, Inc.
740 West End Avenue, Suite 1
New York, NY 10025 USA

International Phone: (646)998-4208
International Fax:
USA, Canada, Puerto Rico Phone: (800)839-2929
USA, Canada, Puerto Rico Fax: (888)329-6287
